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Andrew Z. Nelson

Thanks for stopping by. I typically go by Andrew. When I’m on the radio or doing a podcast, I call myself Drew.

My specialties are telling stories and explaining stuff. That has led to many jobs over the years, from representing major brands, to “Pitchman” type high-traffic convention sales, to anchoring news, to producing infomercials. I thrive on learning new topics and making them easier for you to understand, whether it be on the radio, in person, or in print.

But wait! There’s more!

My years in the newsroom gave me stories to last a lifetime. I gained so many invaluable skills, which apply in so many more places. I consider myself to be a ruthless editor. A professor once called me “skeptical and cynical, and not in a bad way.” I took it as a compliment on my ability to provide a viewpoint that may change the way you think. You will find me always thinking laterally. These skills have proven very helpful in an environment where the goal is to understand stuff well enough to teach it to others.

At home, I’m a news junkie. On my Audible playlist, you will find mostly contemporary non-fiction that teaches me something. That, and plenty of true crime. My hand-me-down record collection is so big, I don’t have room for it all. I treasure my 40-year-old turntable (not a “vinyl player”) that still works like new. I love Callaway Gardens.

My hobby is growing catnip. My two black-and-white tuxedo cats go wild for it. Her name is Princess Zelda. His name is Mr. Mustache, named after one of my favorite bands, inspired by his distinctive Snidely Whiplash mustache. Meet them on the Documentary page.

Here’s my résumé. Email aznelson@gmail.com. I’m on LinkedIn, and I’m @AnchormAndrew on social.

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